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Global Internship/Activities&Trip

Party at BBQ with Japanese, Vietnamese, Korean students

by NickNuma 2019. 9. 17.

I have classes with Japanese and Vietnamese students. I would like to do something to Japanese students, because they are young and.. yep cute. hahaha.
I just wanted to make a memorable memory at Las Vegas with us.

So, I invited two japanese students, Taka and Shoto and asked them bring your friends at the party.
The party was started like this.

Then, I also gather korean students. and.... it was trigger that makes the party bigger and bigger... haha.

I thought I just make a small party around 10.

But.... the party becomes bigger than my thought. aroung 20 students. hahahaha.

So, at Friday afternoon, that day, I went to the hotel desk and ask if they make 20 seats at BBQ.
But there weren't enough seats. but anyway, I could set 18 seats.


And then, I started cooking.

Chicken stew with soy and with chili, season pork with soy and with chilli.

Unfortunately, I couldn't take pictures about chicken stew. I was sooo busy at that time.


Party was held at 7PM. There were almost all of korean students and a part of japanese and vietnamese students. 


And, the party continued till 4am at my room. ( I am sorry that I fell asleep on my bed. I felt I spoiled the party at the end. ha;;;)


and in a few minutes, we went out to go to Grand Canyon and Hoover dam. hahaha.
Though It was little tired, it was my first big party and I hope I can hold party like this again.
But next time, more professionally~ haha.

